Monday, 13 August 2007

Day 19 - Mue Ne

Iw as a bit apprehensive about coming to the beach, worried that it might not live up to my expectations. I drifted off to sleep on the 5 hour bus journey, in the rain, and woke to bright sunshine, clear skies, and a 22km stretch of beach. We're paying the most so far this trip for accomodation, but 4 quid each has got us a big en-suite room on the beach, with air conditioning and a bar 10 yards from the door. Bargain I feel.

The coastline is great, and we'll spend a few days just chilling out, sun bathing and reading on the beach. We'll probably take at least half a day out to visit the huge sand dunes where you can go sand boarding - it's the most photographed part of Vietnam so it's surely worth a look! There's plenty of surfing, kite surfing and wind surfing to be done, so depending on the cost, I might have a go with the kites, although there's a crazy wind blowing out there, and all the guys doing it look like professionals... We'll see. Happy to be out of the city and the rain!

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